Chair: Andy Marley (email: tel:07883 643014)
Vice Chair: Richard Baines (email:richardbaines58@btinternet.comtel.07856 346297)
District Secretary: Sue Heron (email: tel: 07702048967)
For general enquiries eg about events, meetings and purchases.
Membership Sec: Mike Seal ( email: )
For all enquiries concerning membership, Bee Disease Insurance and the BBKA insurances available as part of membership. For all other BBKA insurances see the BBKA website:
Note: Full or Partner membership of Market Rasen District includes membership of both LBKA and BBKA, (British Beekeepers’ Association). BBKA provides full and Partner members with Public and Product liability insurance
Education Officer/Apiary Manager: Celia Smith, (email: tel: 07527 600698)
For information about the District Beekeeping for Beginners’ course and training for BBKA’s Basic Assessment, Bee Health Certificate, general information about the BBKA education scheme and the LBKA Study Group.
Detailed information about the BBKA education system with both practical and theoretical strands, can be found on the BBKA website;
Regular practical sessions at the District apiary in Legsby open to all members except when specific courses are taking place. Ask the Apiary Manager to be placed on the email list for regular information about times and dates of apiary sessions.
For bio-security reasons no personal protective clothing or equipment permitted in District Apiary. Bee suits and disposable gloves available for anyone attending.
Treasurer: Paul Robson (email:, tel. 07917 025964) NB. BACS is the preferred method for paying into the District account.
Account name: LBKA Market Rasen District
Sort code: 30-97-44, Account no: 01614070
Central Council Representative: Neil Duff (email:
The Central Council Rep is the representative of our District on LBKA’s Central Council and is the person with whom enquiries or concerns about LBKA can be raised.
Equipment Loans Manager: Sue Heron (email: tel. 07702048967
Equipment available to loan from our District:
• Extractor
• Comb cutter
• Easi-steam frame cleaner
There is no charge to members for borrowing this equipment provided it is returned within one week in a clean, usable condition.
NB: A charge of £5 per week will be incurred for exceeding the “free week” unless by prior arrangement with the Equipment Loans’ Manager.
Loans are at the discretion of the Equipment Loans Manager who is entitled to refuse a loan if any member is discourteous, mistreats any item of equipment or returns it in a state such that is unfit for another member to use.
Swarm Co-ordinator: Sue Heron (Contact as above). Please notify Sue about any swarms you find.